柬埔寨 – 吳哥城
If you have seen Hayao Miyazaki’s Castle in the Sky, you may agree that the fading floating castle in the animation movie is full of the shadow of the Ta Prohm Temple in Cambodian Angkor. Those massive old trees, stand proudly holding up the sky, their muscular roots lock tight onto the crumbling tower walls to prevent it falling. It is definitely the embodiment of the Ta Prohm.
Other temples like Angkor Wat, Bayon, Banteay Srei all worthy of a visit.
其他寺廟如吳哥窟,巴戎寺,Banteay Srei都不容錯過,值得一遊的殿堂廟宇。
Angkor Wat 吳哥窟 Cambodia ancient tree Banteay Srei
It is not difficult to find clues about Cambodia’s rich history and culture, through the ruins of their Palace temples. The stunning landscape of Cambodia also fills my heart with joy. I especially love the sight of their water village.
I love Cambodia’s rich colours, the lively and cheerful night markets, cheap and delicious food, and a lot of affordable leisure and entertainment.
Flower girls in “Waterfall at Kulen mountain 庫倫山瀑布的花女郎 Reclining Buddha temple 臥佛寺 Outside of the Reclining Buddha temple 臥佛寺外 Tonle Sap Lake and Floating Fishing Village 洞里薩湖和浮動漁村 Kbal Spean, Valley of 1000 lingas 傳說河底的文章,傳教如何傳宗接代。 Angkor night market 吳哥夜市 Siem Reap night market 暹粒夜市 Cambodia treat One kind of massage shops in Night Market, fish massage 夜市按摩店之一, 魚吃死皮。 Relaxation body massage 暹粒不乏高雅的的按摩埸所。
Don’t forget to try their authentic palm sugar and ride on their tuk tuk.
How did we get to Cambodia
Flight and hotel: we booked online via Agoda.
Hotel choice: I went through other websites to check on the hotel’s review [not the hotel’s own website because the hotel can filter and distribute only good reviews. ] It was easier to choose a hotel with a pick-up and drop-off service from the airport.
Daily transportation: The hotel introduced us to a Tuk Tuk driver who stayed with us the whole trip.
Get a Tuk Tuk driver through the hotel, the price will be a little higher than finding a local Tuk Tuk on street yourself, but being unfamiliar with the place, the most important thing is safety. Our driver spoke very good English. He took us sightseeing, and then a round trip for dinner every day. Sometimes also acting as a guide.
After we got to know the place better, we found that the hotel is actually very close to the night market. We sometimes walked or call the local street Tuk Tuk. It felt very safe.
Local tour: On our eight days journey there, we also joined a local tour group to travel further away from Angkor city centre; like the Waterfall at Kulen mountain. We met some new friends.
酒店選擇:我會在其他網業上 [不是該酒店的網業,因為酒店可以挑選和發放只說自己好的評價。] 看看其他客人對該酒店的評價來決定。選擇有機場接送服務的酒店會令旅程容易得多。
價錢: 酒店給介紹的,會比街外找的貴一點。但初到步人地生疏,最重要是安全。他說非常好的英語。 他每天管接管送我們去觀光,還有來回晚飯的旅程。 有時還充當導遊。