North Wales – Portmeirion

北威爾斯 – 波特梅里恩

Located on the estuary of the Dwyryd River, Portmeirion is a masterpiece of the British architect Sir Clough Williams-Ellis. Today people called it “Italian Village”. It is a true expression of Italian colour and impression through a British man’s eyes. The village has been developed over many years and is famous for being the filming spot of many movies and TV series. It is now a truly luxury resort.

位於Dwyryd河口的Portmeirion波特梅里恩,是英國建築師Sir Clough Williams-Ellis克拉夫威廉姆斯 – 埃利斯爵士的傑作。今時今日人稱為"意大利村"。真正英國人眼中對意大利色彩和印象的表達。經年建築的昔日豪華大宅,曾經因為是眾多電影和電視劇的取景地而享負盛名。成為了真正豪華的渡假村。

Getting around Portmeirion

Parking: There is a dedicated car park that has plenty of space but the road to get to it is fairly long and windy.

Opening hours: 9.30am – 7.30pm

Entry ticket: Get discount if you make an advance online booking
Book online

What’s inside the village: Italian village with shops and cafe, theme gardens and light-house, walk along the River Dwyry beach and a mountain trail. I would also suggest getting there early to catch everything before they close.
The estate also has shops and cafes.



開放時間:9.30am – 7.30pm

Book online

可觀㸃:整個意大利村莊,主題花園和燈塔,沿著Dwyry River灘邊漫步,還有行山小徑。 我建議儘早到達那里以便在關閉之前能欣賞所有景點。

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