Norfolk in spring; an infinitive land of dazzling yellow mustard flowers. And summer boasting fields of soft green barley and wheat. But when asked my favourite attraction in Norfolk – I will not hesitate to tell you about the windmills scattered around the farmlands.
Norfolk is a very broad plain surrounded by the sea. A well-developed agricultural land with many streams flowing between the fields.
Most of the lands are originally wetlands and were pumped dry by water pumps. The farms now use electricity to pump water, leaving the old mills either in ruins, waiting for maintenance or remodelling into a special small house. It is not difficult to find traces of the mills when you drive through the countryside. It’s reminiscent of a fairytale world when imagining how the mill’s sails wheeled in the past.
Norfolk is the home of the mill.

羅福是一幅阡陌縱橫,被大海包圍著的平原,農業非常發達,田野間流澗著不少湖泊。耕地多是濕泥,靠風車把水抽出大海。現在農莊都用了電力去抽水,投閒置散的風車,有頹廢了倒下來的,半倒半立的,等著維修的,又或是給改建成為特式小房子的… 在羅福郡郊野沿途鴐駛,風車的蹤影,隨處可尋。令人聯想到,往日風車在輪轉時,那如童話般的情景。
Note: Many of the windmills seen in Norfolk were originally water pumps, as they were used to pump water and not mill corn.
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Pass the time in great halls
Broads and their windmills

Relaxing coastlines and beaches

Rediscover hidden villages

Great Halls to conquer
Blickling Hall
Felbrigg Hall
Windmills and Broads
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Amazing coastlines
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Norfolk village signs